My Passion For Jewelry
My love for authentic vintage jewelry started with my own family. I had these beautiful jewelry pieces I would receive from family members. That didn't really go with the times so I started experimenting with combining different pieces together. After a short while it became my biggest passion in life !!!
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our three lines

Proud American Line
Having two brothers serving in the military, I have a deep desire to show my patriotism not just to them, but to my country as well. I want to help other proud Americans show their patriotism through the heartfelt designs I have created within my Proud American line.

Faith Line
I respond to visual reminders of what is important to me. The faith line embodies designs that inspire me, and I know will inspire others to stay focused on the important things in life. My hope is that whatever inspires us individually, makes us better as a whole.

Sentimental Line
Just like me I know there are so many out there that have trinkets and charms that they feel a connection to, but keep them stashed away and don't know what to do with them. I feel those sentimental pieces should inspire us and thus should be displayed as "badges of honor" just like military medals are to soldiers. The Sentimental Line is my contribution to the memorable treasures you wish to wear as your badge of honor.
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